
Post 16

Our Offer

The Post 16 curriculum at ÍøºìºÚÁÏÉç School is designed to meet the individual needs of all the learners and is reviewed regularly to match pupils’ needs, strengths, interests and future choices. The curriculum seeks to achieve coherent progression from Key Stage 4 and centres on pupil views and personal choices, which are reflected in the curriculum and personalised timetables. Our aim is to provide all our learners with a range of qualifications and skills that meet their different needs, reflect their interests and prepare them for adult life and lifelong learning through our unique transdisciplinary approach, allowing for realisation of individual potential.

Within Post 16 we accredit all student achievement under nationally recognised schemes whenever and wherever is appropriate, and our program of study is monitored and reviewed regularly to ensure that is presenting all students with a degree of challenge and is stretching them and allowing for them to sufficiently achieve and move on to the next stage of their lives.

A range of individualised opportunities are provided to develop skills in these areas needed in adult life. The four areas in Preparation for Adulthood, education and employment, independent living, community inclusion and good health and emotional wellbeing are a particular focus throughout the curriculum and within the life skills curriculum accessed by all students.

Students can achieve through formal summative examination-based courses or can be working less formally using a modular approach, to support their individual needs, and the learning and development that needs to take place. The school key drivers underpin the curriculum, and consolidation, repetition and generalisation of skills is at the heart of the transdisciplinary teaching and therapy which is an integral part of the curriculum. A range of work experience opportunities are available for students, with appropriate vocational experiences sitting alongside the curriculum, pupils are exposed to a range of employers and experiences as well as being involved in college visits, employability work and enterprise experiences to supplement their understanding of the transition choices they will make at the end of their time with us. Please see the careers page for more information.

Key Drivers

Pupils have the opportunity to access a range of options such as The Arts Awards, National Outdoor Learning Awards, Design Technology, drama, and media studies. These enhance and personalise student experiences through pupil voice, and choice and ensure a broad and balanced curriculum at all academic levels and phases of learning. We also work closely with the National Citizenship service to support our students to gain this qualification where it is appropriate. Options are accredited through the AQA unit awards schemes or through more formal qualifications where this is appropriate. Teachers also have the ability to write and create new units of work based on pupils’ interests or future choices to personalise the curriculum further, a gaming unit in media studies, for example, has been created by students around their interests and future choices for games design at college. The curriculum is also supplemented with sports opportunities, works experience and enterprise, community opportunities, the life skills curriculum, as well as residential opportunities which happen within Post 16 for all students who wish to participate.

As a school we are committed to the development of appropriate learning programmes focusing on suitable pathways to adult life, designed to increase the participation, achievement and progression of all learners. Pupil voice is at the heart of the curriculum and staff work with pupils to ensure that the curriculum is appropriate and offers high expectations to all, to ensure that their next steps in life can be as successful as possible for each individual learner. Pupils continue to work with their transdisciplinary team of professionals to ensure that when the time comes they are equipped to move to the next stage of the journey.

Post 16 Curriculum  >

Our Post 16 Pledge

Timetable ÍøºìºÚÁÏÉç

Student Centred Timetable

A personalised timetable which reflects your interests, abilities and is flexible to offer opportunities and experiences in order to prepare you for a fulfilling adult life.

Staffing Icon ÍøºìºÚÁÏÉç

The Best Staff

A supportive, experienced team of staff, student ‘mentors’ and a student council who are always available to listen to your views.

Small Groups Icon ÍøºìºÚÁÏÉç

Small Teaching Groups

Tutorial groups where you will begin and end your day and teaching groups with less than 10 people. You may be expected to move between classes for lessons to improve your time management and personal organisational skills.

Therapuetic Support Icon ÍøºìºÚÁÏÉç

On-Site Therapy Support

On-site integrated SaLT, OT, Physiotherapy and Emotional Wellbeing specialists who work together with Teachers and Special Support Assistants to ensure you have consistent support to overcome specific areas of difficulty and become as effective, active, healthy and happy as possible in the future.

Engage Icon ÍøºìºÚÁÏÉç

Keeping You Social

Regular clubs, leisure activities and personalised opportunities are available during less structured times to promote interaction with staff, peers and members of the wider community; for example, introducing visitors to school, entertaining stakeholders and visiting professionals, making lunch for friends.

Support Icon ÍøºìºÚÁÏÉç

Supporting Independence

Opportunities to promote communication and functional independence, which are planned to equip you for ‘day-to-day life’ and prepare you for more challenging ‘real world’ environments; such as, unfamiliar places or situations.

Realistic Work Experience ÍøºìºÚÁÏÉç

Realistic Work Experience

Access to realistic work-related activities and accreditation appropriate to your ability and interests.

Care Icon ÍøºìºÚÁÏÉç

Prioritsing Your Future

Support for you and your family to explore options for the future. This will include planning and preparation for further education, employment, supported /independent living and advising how to access social and community opportunities as an adult with support from those involved in your EHC Plan.

We expect that you will (with support where needed):

  • Be willing to accept or tolerate the differences we all have.
  • Treat others in the same way we expect to be treated.
  • Show support or encourage others when needed.
  • Help keep yourself and others safe.
  • Respect the beliefs, opinions and views of others unless they cause offence.
  • Tell trusted people if you are worried about something or someone.
  • Follow the Post 16 rules developed by all students and staff (updated annually)

Get in touch to find out more

Careers Curriculum

We are in the process of updating our Careers policy as a foundation and the new policy will be live soon.

Careers Policy

Careers Curriculum

Provider Access