Our Team
Martin Lonergan
Simon Adams
Deputy Headteacher
Lauren Stephenson
Senior Leadership Secretary
Helen Blakelock
Curriculum Lead
Ros Martin
Assistant Headteacher
Abi Cowie
Assistant Headteacher
Louise Allport
Assistant Headteacher
Carol Rawlinson
Teaching and Learning Coach
Martin Lonergan
Jeffrey Lough
Hayley Richie
Staff - Non Teaching Governor
Joe Kelley
Parent Governor
Anthony Olsen
Co-opted Governor
Callum Fox
Staff Governor
Andrew McBride
Co-opted Governor
Jenny Finck
Co-opted Governor
Abbie Northin
Co-opted Governor
Northern Counties School Governing Board
The role of the Governing Board is a strategic one, its key functions re to:
- Set the aims and objectives for the school
- Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
- Monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards the achievement of its aims and objectives
- Be a source of challenge and support to the Headteacher (a critical friend)
In order to achieve their key functions, governors work with the senior and middle leaders of the school to develop action plans that support the school improvement plan. They meet regularly, and visit school to review progress against these plans.
Meet the Trustee Team
We are governed by a Board of Trustees which has overall responsibility of our conduct and management as a charity. They set the long term strategic direction that enables us to work towards achieving our vision.